For me this short delay in the start of the ski season, which optimistically can still be an awesome year, has been a blessing. I haven't updated my website for over 6 months and had the time to finally do so. Plus, it was nice, don't want to make a habit of it tho, to be able to actually go to a Thanksgiving glutony celebration.

Anyways, for the first time ever I have added some ski related images. No ski porn, I call them skiscapes, all from the MRV. All 17 new images except two were shot in the MRV. The two backcountry images were shot on the eastern side of the valley.

So while we are all patiently waiting, I suspect it won't be long, check out the new shots. They are new to the website, all are from the last two years. I hope you enjoy looking at them.

Holiday wishes to everyone